About Us

by Ronnie Lomonaco

Welcome to Feature Dish !!

Do you find yourself watching cooking shows on TV and wishing it was you that had the chance to share your food ideas, cooking experiences, and favorite recipes with a community of people who share your interest in the kitchen?  Do you find pleasure in watching others enjoy and appreciate your own personal culinary creations?  If you said yes to either one of those questions, then Feature Dish is the place for you!

This site is designed for people who, not only love to eat good food, but also love cooking it.  Whether you’re a full-time worker, home-maker, or aspiring chef, Feature Dish is where you can go to share your passion for the kitchen, and have your opinions and signature dishes featured for all to see!

Become a part of our unique community of foodies, and share your favorite recipies and cooking experiences.  Have your recipes tasted, rated, and commented on by everyone in our community, and maybe your recipe will be proclaimed the Feature Dish of the week!


Take a look around…

Our Home page is updated frequently with announcements, discussion topics, cooking tips, product reviews, and new recipes for you to browse through and comment on.  Share your opinion and interact with others within the community by commenting on these posts (you must register on the site to comment).  Remember, be on the look-out for when your dish is posted!

View the Archive page for a directory for all of Feature Dish’s posts and past recipes.

The Submit Your Dish page is exactly what it says…it’s where you submit your recipes!  Whether you want to share one of your signature dishes, your own unique flavoring recipe, or one of your favorite cocktail concoctions, please be sure to fill out all the fields, and don’t forget to attach your best image of the recipe!

The Contact page is where you can go to communicate your concerns, questions, or feedback to me!  I’m always open to suggestions, so don’t hesitate to let me know what’s on your mind.

If you frequent our site you will find new recipes, fun and informational food articles, cooking videos, and much more on a daily basis.  So, please stop by from time to time to check out all the new developments!

Thank you for visiting my site.  I look forward to sharing our passion for cooking together!